Zuzana Bzonková
Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

Co spolu zvládneme
Poznejme se více
Proč se mnou
I’ll gently push you beyond your current limits and help you expand your comfort zone. However, as I don’t sell miracles, the results will depend on how much work you are willing to do yourself. I shall be your kind guide, because the process is more enjoyable when you go accompanied, isn’t it? I mostly assist learners at a B2 level to progress towards achieving the C1 level.
Jak vypadá moje typická lekce
It’s like a friendly chat; but you’ll be very active and do most of the talking (in English, of course!) while I’ll listen and take notes in order to give you specific language feedback later, mainly on vocab, grammar and pronunciation. (Oh yeah, pronunciation!) The topics and language focus will depend on your interests and needs.
S čím vám pomohu
Would you like to take your English to a higher level? Do you hit your limits when it comes to challenging texts, fast speech or expressing complex ideas? Despite being fluent do you sometimes sound rather Czech? Would you like to make a better first impression by sounding like a native? Or deliver great presentations? Well, I will gladly help you out!
Jaké metody používám ve výuce
The methods I employ very much depend on what we focus on. Active listening works best if you wish to practice speaking. For pronunciation and certain grammar issues drilling has proven effective. The common denominators, however, are an interactive lesson and active student who discovers something new & useful in every session. We use authentic materials found mostly online.
Moje vzdělání
- Teaching English as a second language – Bachelor’s and Master’s degree
- Experiential and reflective learning (life-long education program, 2 years)
Long courses (100+ hours)
- Lecturer skills for teachers
- Reading, writing and critical thinking
- Courses on using movement, dance and improvisation in work with people
- Teaching English since 2011, Spanish since 2018
- Work and study stays abroad (New Zealand, Slovenia, Spain)
- 7+ years teaching experience in Spanish and Czech public schools
Jak se spojíme
I enjoy receiving hand-written letters, but a message here will do, too. If you provide me with a number straight away, we can communicate quicker and soon meet online. (I will send you a link to Google Meet). Once we start learning together, I use Skype. It’ works great, really! 🙂
Co mě baví kromě učení
Dancing, walking barefoot in the countryside, sleeping, writing, reading, doing crafts, learning languages, occasional traveling and deep meaningful conversations.
45 min / 650 CZK
once or twice a week
45 min / 800 CZK for both
once or twice a week
2 – 4 participants (B2/C1 level)
3 300 CZK / € 140
I will make the groups based on your level and time posibilites.
2 – 4 participants (B2/C1 level)
3 300 CZK / € 140
Pro zarezervování termínu prosím kontaktujte lektorku pomocí formuláře pod kalendářem
If you think we could be a good fit, but don’t see any available slots in the calendar, please don’t hesitate to contact me anyway, because:
- I may have irregular time slots to offer.
- I open conversation courses for 2-4 people throughout the year, and you could be part of one.
- You never know when a slot might become available, and you’ll be the first to know.


10 recenzí Zuzana Bzonková
Gabriela –
I found Zuzka with a clear goal in mind – I needed to use English in my new job. She help me overcome my shyness to speak. We went through my old knowledge and now we continue with working on expanding my vocabulary and fluent communication on subjects important for me. Zuzka´s lectures always fly by quickly because of her ability to create very pleasant and friendly atmosphere. She is very inspiring and she can explain grammar as well as vocabulary very clearly. She has created a worksheet tailored to my needs in which she notes new phrases and vocabulary as well as tips where to find more information or videos on respective topics. I am still unsure whether I should publicly praise her like that because I am afraid she might have so many students that it will be difficult for us two to find time together in the future. ?
Pavla –
Se Zuzkou jsem prošla dvěma online kurzy angličtiny, individuální a skupinovou konverzací. Oceňuji především to, jak je stále úsměvavá, energická a připravená člověka pochopit a naslouchat mu, přizpůsobí se stylu studenta, jeho zájmům a zálibám, aby pro něj byly kurzy zajímavé. Líbí se mi její výslovnost, odborné znalosti, nadšení, ochota a zároveň si velmi vážím toho, že neopravuje chyby hned, ale až potom, co člověk dokončí myšlenku, a zároveň v přátelském, ne v „učitelském“ stylu. Poprvé od školních let jsem neměla špatný pocit, když jsem se na hodinu nestihla připravit, Zuzka tomu okamžitě přizpůsobila obsah hodiny a ta byla opět velmi přínosná. Díky kurzům jsem se zase přestala stydět mluvit anglicky, což bylo mým hlavním cílem. Velkou výhodou je to, že kurzy probíhají online a že se čas výuky přizpůsobí možnostem studenta. Doporučuji tyto kurzy i svým kamarádům a známým a pokud se někdy rozhodnu učit španělsky, už teď vím, že jedině u Zuzky.
Ivona –
Zuzka je skvělá lektorka a především úžasný člověk. Jazyky žije, takže tento pocit přenese i na vás a dá vám mnohem více, než obyčejné lekce španělštiny. Jsou to lekce s přesahem, kdy máte možnost nahlédnout více do hloubky a nedržet se pouze u gramatických pravidel. Zuzka se umí vcítit do toho, co potřebujete a vytvořit tak lekce vám na míru. Vždy je uvolněná atmosféra, nemusím se bát mluvit a dělat chyby, což je pro mě dost důležité nejen při následném použití španělštiny v praxi. Pokud se chcete ve španělštině posunout dál, Zuzka je ten správný člověk, který vám může pomoci. 🙂 Muchas gracias Zuzi!
Karin –
Classes with Zuzi have always been beneficial for me. Not only have I learnt plenty of new things connected to the language learning itself, but also feel super motivated after each and every lesson, thanks to Zuzi’s vibrant personality and original ideas and ways of teaching. Thank you!
Andrea –
Zuzana is an outstanding teacher. I admire her approach and the effort she puts into every class. She teaches with ease and corrects mistakes I make.
Iva –
I recommend the Daily Contact to everybody who wants to improve their language, not just speaking and listening, but it has also helped me with writing. Zuzka is an excellent teacher; she helped me immensely with my mistakes. She is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. I have never tried this form of learning, recording messages, which is fantastic! You can record them any time you want, and this is the most significant advantage as our leisure time is often limited. Zuzka is excellent not just as a teacher but also as a person; I like her sense of humour and opinions. As we have so much in common, finding the right topic to discuss was easy. I am so satisfied that I will have the second Daily Contact in a few months again. And I will also have some online lessons regarding phonetics in the summer with her; I’m looking forward to it so much 🙂
Magda M. –
I higly recomennd you Zuzka as an English teacher. She is very friendly, empathetic, nice person with perfect knowledge of English and pronunciation! She can help you a lot with English. Her English lessons are completely adapt to your needs and are very inspiring.
Natasha –
Zuzka has a vibrant personality, yet she’s also calm. Her lessons were inspiring, dynamic and fun, intensive but sometimes soothing and almost therapeutic, which was unique. It was like catching up with a friend and I always looked forward to them. She’s introduced me to a few highly interesting people online I’ve listened to since then. She helped me a great deal with my pronunciation and gently pushed me into working on daily basis, which – over time – paid off and I became a confident user of English.
Vojtěch Klos –
Výborná lektorka, která vás dokáže hravě a energeticky učit. Neustále hledá způsoby jak zlepšit svůj styl učení a dokáže se přizpůsobit různým studentům. Také pořádá pravidelné schůzky jak v češtině tak v angličtině, při kterých rozvíjí komunikační dovednosti všech zúčastněných. Doporučuji všem, kteří jsou ochotni pravidelně zlepšovat svou angličtinu.
Miki –
Super učitelka, která mi pomohla celkově s angličtinou. Oceňuji zajímavé konverzace, s kterými se angličtina dobře učí, a příjemnou atmosféru. Vřele doporučuji.