Suzie Delgado

You don’t have to live abroad to immerse yourself with the language and make the progress you desire.
9 hodnocení
(Hodnocení: 9)

Co spolu zvládneme

Poznejme se více

Proč se mnou

I want you to fall in love with your English learning. When working together, we will set your learning goals and a manageable learning schedule, discuss all the ways you can surround yourself with English in a way that you enjoy so that it doesn’t even feel like you are learning. I want you to have fun! This is the only sustainable way to learn a language. I know you have a busy life. Let’s find ways to make it work. I look forward to celebrating your victories with you.

Jak vypadá moje typická lekce

Once we set up your goals and learning schedule, we will normally start by going through your pronunciation from the last time (I always send a pronunciation practice video after each lesson). Then we check your corrections from the previous lesson to make sure you are progressing with your grammar. And finally, we get on with our new lesson. We practice your pronunciation and discuss the topic we agreed on at the end of the previous lesson. Each lesson is personalised and adjusted to your needs.

S čím vám pomohu

  • Speaking confidence (The aim of every lesson is for you to speak as much as possible)
  • Pronunciation (Czechs make typical pronunciation mistakes which we will work on in every lesson)
  • Grammar (We will address any repeated grammar mistakes in consistent ways to ensure you move on)
  • If you are looking for short term help, I can also help you prepare for a job interview, work meeting, improve your LinkedIn profile, write a CV or a cover letter, help you with email writing, etc. Ask me if you have specific requests…

Moje vzdělání

  • MA TESOL (Master degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Essex, UK)
  • A number of certificates from English teaching, language coaching, Montessori teaching method courses, etc.;
  • 15 years of life in the UK and 6 years of teaching in British primary schools
  • 3 years of private online teaching as a freelancer (2000+ taught online lessons and 250+ happy students)

Jak se spojíme

  • I will be looking forward to seeing you on zoom at a time we agree. I will send you a google calendar invitation with the zoom link.
  • If you need to get in touch in between lessons, you can message me in WhatsApp.
  • If these ways of connecting don’t work for you, let’s agree on an alternative that will suit us both.

Co mě baví kromě učení

  • Dancing (salsa, bachata, kizomba, tango)
  • Hiking and being in nature
  • Language learning (currently working on my Spanish and Italian)
  • Travelling and exploring


Nabízené služby
Free initial call

Are you interested but want to first see we are a good fit for each other? Good thinking!
Message me and let’s set up a quick (cca 30 min) zoom call where we’ll discuss your language needs and what could be done about them. If we are a good fit, I will be looking forward to then seeing you in a lesson.


Individual lessons
1 lekce 850 czk
5 lekci 4200 czk
10 lekci 8350 czk
  • 60 min online lessons tailored to your needs…
  • regular 1:1 meetings on zoom or other platform of our agreement
  • all lesson notes and materials kept in shared Google document which you can access any time online
  • lessons to help you with speaking fluency and confidence, pronunciation, grammar, job interview prep, writing CV, cover letter, improving your LinkedIn profile, business English


Group lessons
10 weeks course 3800 kc
  • 10 weeks of 75min online lessons on zoom
  • small group of 4-6 people
  • hear different accents and interact with learners from different nationalities
  • safe learning environment and lots of speaking opportunities on topics you enjoy
  • learn to express yourself openly and make friends from abroad
  • notes from every meeting kept in a shared google document

the ‘next step’ in your learning when you are ready to spread your wings
Please contact me for more info or if you have any questions.


WhatsApp speaking course
2 months course 2800 kc
  • 8-9 weeks (2 months) interactive WhatsApp group course (for if you are too busy to meet in a set time on zoom)
  • connect and answer anytime, anywhere throughout the course duration, all from your phone 
  • convenience of a WhatsApp group where you record voice messages to answer weekly learning tasks and interact with other group members
  • pre-agreed engaging topics
  • weekly feedback on your grammar and pronunciation

Please contact me for more info or if you have any questions.
Bring a friend and get 20% off


Language coaching
90 min 1200 kc
  • 90 min language learning consultation suitable for independent learners who hit a plateau and want to move on
  • discuss your learning strategy and get some new ideas on how to organise yourself with your learning
  • get a clear direction for achieving your learning goals
  • all notes available in a shared Google document so you can revisit them any time

The consultation will help you with:

  • Assessing your current learning strategy
  • SMART language goal setting
  • Effective language study advice
  • Preparation of a weekly learning schedule that works for you


Can be given as a present in the form of a gift voucher – please contact me for more info.


English for companies and business
  • Individual and/ or group lessons for employees
  • adjusted to the specific needs of the company and the individual learners
  • prep for presentations, meetings, email writing, general speaking fluency, and confidence in English
  • priced according to our mutual agreement
  • contact me for a free zoom call to see if we are a good fit




9 recenzí Suzie Delgado

  1. Kateřina Francová

    I have been meeting with Suzie since the end of October 2024 and I must say that her lessons have given me so much! I tried to find someone who would motivate me to stay consistent with my learning and who would be patient. And I found her! I love Suzie’s passion and excitement for teaching, I can feel her energy through Zoom and it motivates me so much and what’s more, this energy stays with me for another few days.
    I’ve never experienced setting up the goals with my previous English teachers, but with Suzie we spent two lessons on it. Suzie went really deep and we always work with my goals in our lessons. We went through all the aspects of my motivation and learning possibilities because I usually lose consistency after a while. The best is that even when you set up your goals and preferred ways of getting there, if it is not working, Suzie will give you other tips and advice on how to improve your learning and adjust it to your daily routine. Thanks to this, I surrounded myself with English in an easy way and stuck to my English to-do list.

  2. Patrik K.

    Na lekce jsem se přihlašoval s tím, že angličtinu sice ovládám na pokročilé úrovni v části porozumění či psaní, ale největší mezery mám právě v mluvení. Na lekcích se Suzie se mi tak nejvíc líbí, že i mimo moje požadavky sama nacítí, co pro svůj rozvoj angličtiny potřebuji a následně se tak vzájemně dohodneme, čemu se budeme v dalších lekcích věnovat. Oceňuji i malou, naprosto přirozenou zahřívací konverzaci na začátku lekce, kdy se tak spolu začneme bavit naprosto o čemkoliv. Suzie mimo lekce vytváří a připravuje sama různé aktivity do dalších lekcí, takže opravdu každá hodina je šitá mě na míru, a to je to nejdůležitější – že se zkrátka nejede podle předem sestavených kroků jak třeba na škole.
    Po lekcích se Suzie odcházím s tím, že si nyní více věřím, když otevřu ústa. Umím spoustu nových frází a slovíček, a zejména se mi zlepšila moje výslovnost, na které však vím, že musím zamakat ještě víc. Určitě se nejedná o poslední lekce se Suzie a v budoucnu využiji dalších hodin.

  3. Honza

    Lekce se Suzie se mi moc líbily a posunuly mě dál. Chytré je zaznamenávání do online dokumentu, který je přístupný i po lekcích. Můžeze z něj čerpat odkazy na články a videa. Potěšila i krátká videa po konci lekce s důrazem na správnou výslovnost.

    Za mě super!

  4. Jirka

    Hello everyone,
    Before starting my language journey with Suzie, my expectation was to make significant progress in English, to break out of my plateau, and to prepare for interviews conducted in English. Not only have these goals been met, but the results have exceeded all my expectations. Suzie’s approach of integrating weekly regularity and daily micro-activities in English allowed for a natural and dynamic progression in my language skills. I feel substantially more proficient—communication in English is no longer a barrier for me. In fact, I actively seek out opportunities to use the language and am now able to participate confidently in English-speaking meetings. What stands out the most about my experience with Suzie is her consistently positive and proactive attitude. She tailored the learning experience to my individual needs. Specific issues I faced were not just acknowledged but were overcome with effective and thoughtful strategies. I wholeheartedly recommend Suzie to anyone looking to improve their English, whether for personal, professional, or academic reasons. Her approach is not only professional and targeted but also incredibly motivating and supportive, which is invaluable in any learning process.
    Thank you Suzie

  5. Monika

    Hey everyone, I would like to share my feedback. Suzie showed me some ways how to include English in my daily life, we work together on my pronunciation, conversations about specific topics and related vocabulary, correction of my mistakes from last lesson etc. She is always prepared for the lesson and what I appreciate the most is that she is very positive, always with a smile on her face. I find our time together more like a hobby than a lesson. Thank you Suzie!

  6. Daniela

    I would like to share with others my experience with Suzie and our English lessons. I found this English teacher angel one year ago, I tried to find someone who help me level up my English skills, who will be patiently correct my learned mistakes, and work with me on my pronunciation…and I found Suzie. We set up goals together which I evaluate very positive because my improvement is measurable and we are working on my targets through different exercises and within the lessons. During our lessons we are speaking just in English language but for those who will be afraid of not understand clearly, don’t worry, Suzie finds always the right words which help you and you will be understand…Suzie doesn’t push you through homework and so on, she motivate you. She wants just one simple thing which you have to know and respect – you love English and English loves you back. She is really great teacher 🙂

  7. Jiřina

    Hi everyone,

    this feedback is based on my short experience. I already have so much positive knowledge and experience that I would like to share with others. I always feel excited about the upcoming lessons. I finally have a sense of the direction of teaching that I like. I got help from Suzie on how to organize the lessons to make my English more effective.
    Feedback on pronunciation is excellent – you will receive a video from Suzie with an illustrative example of pronunciation, which you can listen to comfortably on your mobile and correct your bad habits.
    Correcting your own mistakes is such a perfect method. You will get a table with the sentences you said wrong. You can prepare the correct translation for the next lesson in the second column. You learn from mistakes and this is a perfect example.
    I appreciate the opportunity to decide the topic for the next lesson, you are the manager of your lessons.
    After each lesson, I feel a kick and want to do more for my English. I would recommend Suzie to those who are stuck at their level. With Suzie, you will have the desire and joy to learn. You will get such motivation that you will no longer be alone in English.
    Thank you Suzie for the opportunity to be in your classes, for all the energy I get, for endless motivation, and for the right direction to achieve a higher level of English.

  8. Kateřina

    Zajímavé, zábavné a systematicky vedené lekce, Suzie můžu opravdu doporučit.

  9. Iveta

    Hi Suzie 🙂
    thank you very much for taking care of me and my English.

    Všem mohu Suzie jen a jen doporučit. Na lekce jsem se vždy těšila.
    Obzvláště oceňuji péči o dobrou výslovnost, po každé odučené lekci jsem obdržela video s procvičenou výslovností – pro další trénink. To byla velmi užitečná vec.
    O zápisech / deníků z lekcí nemluvě.
    Během lekce Suzie zapisuje vaše chybky a vy je musíte do příště opravit – velmi chytré pro upevnění znalostí.
    DĚKUJI za lekce i stálý úsměv na tváři.

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