Mouad Essaghir
„When you care, magic happens.“

Co spolu zvládneme
Poznejme se více
Why me?
I am here to make our lessons as relaxed as possible, so that you can develop the necessary confidence to learn and improve.
What do my lessons look like?
In my lessons, we don’t do speaking as a separate activity. It’s always there, in the background. Whether we are working on your listening or on grammar…, with me, you will speak a lot !
No matter the material we will be using, it will always, at some point, cross with your own life and experiences. After all, language learning is a personal thing, right?
So, if you would like a Tutor who listens to you more than he talks, who corrects your mistakes (but not every second word), and with whom you can speak about your cousin from the countryside as well as about Wall Street’s latest performance, jste na správném místě.
Ano, mluvím totiž i trochu česky. Ale věřte mi, že češtinu nebudeme vůbec potřebovat 🙂
How can I help you?
By building rapport with my students. That’s the best way for learning to take place.
My qualifications
- I have a master’s degree in Marketing and Sales.
- Holder of a TOEFL certificate
- I have undergone many workshops and training about TEFL.
My hobbies
- Football
- Minimalism and simple-living
- Coffee
- Going for walks
I offer one-to-one lessons as well as group lessons for people who want to improve and strengthen their English skills in a business environment. The lessons that are built around you and we’ll make sure that conversation will be the main focus, while working on your other skills: Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation/ Listening, reading and writing.
From A1 to C1.
Pro zarezervování termínu prosím kontaktujte lektora pomocí formuláře pod kalendářem


8 recenzí Mouad Essaghir
Lenka –
Mouad is an excellent teacher. I appreciate his style of teaching. I have never been bored during his hours, which are perfectly prepared, fast-paced, and systematic. Mouad changes various activities to help you enjoy the lesson and language. He is very patient and empathic. He makes you feel like you are good and allows you to build your self-belief in English. I like his sense of humor and I admire his knowledge not only concerning the English language.
Highly recommended.
Veronika Dolezelova –
Lekce anglictiny s Mouadem jsou pro mne velmi prinosne, velmi dobre vysvetluje, uci zabavnou formou, strida konverzaci s gramatikou. Na jeho hodiny se vzdy tesim a jsem stastna, ze mi ho dcera nasla.(dostala jsem kurz k narozeninam)
Jana K. –
Momo je skvělý lektor, hodiny jsou prakticky postavené i zábavné zároveň. Chtěla jsem lekce zaměřené na Business English a konverzaci. Vše je přesně tak, jak jsem si představovala a jak potřebuji. Určitě doporučuji.
Silvia Vašulková –
I consider Mouad to be a great lecturer, who always maintains a professional and friendly attitude to his student. The lessons are dynamic, perfectly structured and cover everything – grammar, conversation and practical exercises in formal English, exactly as I requested. Mouad never lets you get bored while lecturing. He does a great job.
Danil Lebedev –
If you’re looking for an English language teacher who keeps things chill, look no further than Mouad! His lessons are always laid-back and relaxing, but simultaneously, you’ll be talking up and practising your speech which is very important.
What I love about his teaching style is that during lessons it never feels like a chore, it’s always fun and engaging, with plenty of opportunities for conversation and speaking practice.
Overall, I can recommend Mouad as an English language teacher. He’s a perfect choice if you want to improve your English skills while having a good time!
Klára Rautenkranzová –
Vřelý a velmi přátelský přístup, a pro mě velice důležité že dokáže zaujmout svoji výukou tak, že člověk sám se chce učit víc a být v jazyce lepší?. Když něco není jasné nebo úplně to nesedí, tak Mouad to vysvětluje na velmi jasných a stručných příkladech takže je to rychle uchopitelne a není to flustrujici že to nejde. Jeho hodiny jsou velmi vyvážené, gramatika, čtení, poslech a hlavně konverzace, důležité na slovíčka. Reaguje na schopnosti daného člověka a mluví velmi zřetelně a pro mě dostatečnou rychlostí. Mohu jenom doporučit. Na každou hodinu se vždy těším.
Marek –
Are you looking for a lecturer with whom learning is fun, full of practical examples, and highly professional? You already found him! Mouad is always prepared to do your lessons in a challenging and creative way and full of interesting facts. I would rate him as 5/5 points.
Eduard –
I think the great way to improve your English is find a teacher who can be on the same wave with you and who is really interested in “ How it’s going or how did you spend your weekend“. Mouad is a perfect tutor for me from this point of view. Classes are interesting, easy and productive. It motivates me to go on. It was need to find someone who can help me with my speaking practice and I am really satisfied that i found Mouad.