Jamie Faulkner
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Jakým stylem učíš?
I create an easy, conversational environment for students to learn English from a British native. My aim is for students to speak for 70% of our time together, ensuring you have a voice in the virtual classroom and an opportunity to meet your goals.
I Will provide learning materials such as videos, audio, texts and other exercises to sharpen your skills. I adapt to your needs and the style required.
Co je pro tebe při výuce nejdůležitější?
A good student-teacher relationship with a shared goal.
Proč tě baví učit?
Teaching has allowed me to meet the most interesting, intelligent and funny people in my life. I love seeing people progress. Through my students I have learned so much about the world.
Jak vypadá tvůj ideální student?
My ideal student is friendly, open-minded and enjoys the learning process, whatever their English level. Usually I find something to admire in everyone.
Na jaké oblasti angličtiny se zaměřuješ?
I can help you with interview or exam preparation (PET, Cambridge First, Cambridge Advanced), conversation skills, pronunciation, grammar, and proofreading emails or your CV/resume. I will build your confidence.
Jaké vzdělání, zkušenosti, certifikáty máš?
I have a BA in English Language & Linguistics from the University of York. I also have a Cambridge CELTA certificate from International House.
I have provided teaching and proofreading services to students from different backgrounds and nationalities for over 5 years.
Co tě baví krom učení?
When I am not teaching, I like to go hiking with my family or do my hobbies. These include reading, films, chess, chatting about history or topical issues, yoga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I am also an author with several published short stories.

5 recenzí Jamie Faulkner
Jiřina –
For everyone who needs to talk, Jamie is the best teacher and friend who will support and help you.
I have almost a year and a half of experience. The lessons were conducted in a cheerful way, where you always have something to talk about. Jamie will help pick up the thread in the conversation when you get stuck.
I felt my level of English improving. I was no longer afraid to speak up when I needed to. I gained more confidence in conversation.
I would Jamie to thank him for everything that he has taught me. I am sure he moved up in my level and I am grateful for that.
Zuzana –
Jamie je skvělý učitel, který mi pomohl s mým přesunem do Londýna. V rámci hodin mě připravil na pohovory, zkontroloval mi životopis a upravili v něm některé výrazy z pohledu copywritingu, což bylo nad moje očekávání. Byla jsem mile překvapená, když mi při přípravě na pohovor pokládal otázky, které bych očekávala od profesionálního náboráře, nikoliv od učitele angličtiny. Díky tomu mohu říct, že mě připravil opravdu skvěle. Jamie toho umí víc než jen učit.
Naše hodiny byly v příjemném přátelském duchu. Na každou hodinu jsem se těšila a těch 50 minut lekce uteklo jako voda. Jamie dokáže vytipovat, co vás baví, zajímá a najednou mluvíte a mluvíte a na nějaký stres či strach z mluvení v cizím jazyce nezbývá čas.
Alina –
I have very positive experience with this teacher. My son was attending classes with Jamie for 5 years and succeeded to raise his level of English from almost beginning to advanced including both: communication and grammar. Jamie helped my son to get well prepared and successfully pass the English exam to his secondary school and also played sufficient role in overall success with English grammar improvement during my son’s school program. Would definitely recommend this teacher to all who would really like to achieve good results in English.
Elizabeth Cenkova –
Jamie prepared me for my B2 Cambridge exam, lessons with him were very entertaining as he walked me through every part of the exam. Jamie explained everything to me in a way I understood which made learning for me much easier. Every lesson was worth it because not only did I learn so much but I was excited for every lesson as well.
Tomáš Vacovský –
I needed some help to pass my Cambridge Advanced exam and Jamie helped me greatly to prepare for it. We mostly focused on practising different exercises in the format as they appear in the exam. Jamie also introduced me to the Cambridge website where I could learn more about the exam itself. I found learning with him very pleasant and I would say he is one of the best English teachers I’ve ever had.